Nothing to fear but fear itself~

Well HELLO! Long time!

Since I last posted, I turned 60…and then 61!  Lots has changed since the fifties…

I sent my beloved dad to Heaven where he is now Alzheimers free and sitting at the head of God’s table..

I moved, again, to the home of my dreams…we call it “Peaceful Pines”, and it will be the final stop on the journey for us.  Hundreds of  pine trees, an enormous soaking tub and a she-shed to die for…

…being renovated, updates to follow.

What more could a girl need?

So…aging…scary right?  Well, maybe..depends a lot on your health and your outlook.

I received a text from my sister, Nancy, last month. She had just spent the afternoon at her local senior center for the first time, and was, well…traumatized.

She looked around and texted “my brain was screaming that this is not what I want for me. I do not want this to be my future.”

I texted back that,

  1. You need to stay the fuck away from senior centers…You are too young at 63 anyway.
  2. You need to find healthy, vibrant beautiful role models of aging, and hold on to them with both fists, tightly.

Your outlook truly makes all the difference in the world.  You can go to a senior center and watch old ladies line dance, or you can seek out women on social media who are rocking to their own ageless beat…

Here are a few of the ladies who set me straight…

Barbara Hannah Grufferman, Author of “Love Your Age: the Small Step Solution to a Better, Longer, Happier Life”, was a sedentary wife and mom turning 60.  She was watching a marathon one morning, cheering on the runners, and thought “I wish I could do that”…with the urging of her family, she started small, joined a runners club, and three years later, has countless marathons and ultra-marathons under her belt.  AND she’s drop dead gorgeous.

I found Barb and started following her…but her inspirational posts were all about running.  I sent her a slightly terse message saying “all well and good, but can you talk about another form of excercise for those of us who can’t run?”

Her response: “why can’t you run?”

Me:”because my hip is sore and I’m too old and my joints ache and I have this old running injury from 1992, and blah, blah, blah..”

Barbara: “so WHY can’t you run? Find a coach who can train a senior runner and give it a try!”

Ok, Babs, I get it….

And it just so happens I have a seasoned, marathon running husband who knows more about the sport than any person on the planet…he trained me to run injury free and…

Several months later, I ran my first race in decades, two weeks after my dad died…


and I ran two more after that!

Take THAT old ladies, and thank you Barbara and Hubby!

Buy Barbara’s book and find her on IG or FB.  She’s also been on several national morning talk shows. She’s a rockin ball of healthy, optimistic energy, and someone to model your  60’s after.


Another great gal I found on social media is Dian Griesel of Silver Disobedience (LOVE that name!)

She also has a great book “The Silver Disobedience Playbook”, and a daily blog.

She writes such positive, get you moving pieces, and is a 60+ model with Wilhelmina New York.

Check her out on social media.

Finally, I think my very favorite inspiration comes to us from Across the Pond…Meet Margery Owen..YouTube sensation.  This clip when viral, and took my breath away.  I wanted to shout from the rooftop of Peaceful Pines, “Hallelujah, there’s HOPE!”




You have GOT to see this 90 year old dynamo doing things I couldn’t do at 16. A-mazing! and such a positive attitude!  I couldn’t download the clip here, (still a rusty blogger after having been away so long)…but if you Google Margery Owen Yoga video, you will find it on YouTube.


So you see, it’s all in the outlook…You can go to a Senior Center, which is a wonderful place for some, and sit and knit and line dance..



you can align yourself with 60+ women who are kicking aging’s ass, and enjoy the ride.

Nothing to fear…

How will you choose?

Have a Crown Worthy weekend, and do something BOLD!~


  1. Donna Landry says:

    Love the attitude, my good friend! Am trying to walk the talk as well!


  2. LINDA DELANEY says:

    ♥️Great words and will try the books as part of my New Years read 👍Thanks for posting… It’s not what we have in life. But who we have in our lives that matter. Older wiser, I have found my lifelong friends and I am forever grateful.
    I used to think that friends were the people you could laugh and talk to. Now I know that friends aren’t that, they’re the people who touch your hearts. They’re the people you can share your secrets with, cry with, laugh with , and just have fun with. They don’t judge you or make you change. They accept you exactly as you are. The friends we make along the way help us appreciate our journey. Surround yourself with people who care about you. Not just those who say it, but those who show it. They’re not always the ones you’ve known the longest , they’re the one who came , and never left your side. The one who walked into your life, said “I’m here for you” and proved it..

    Can’t wait till your next post❤️And stay away from Senior Centers unless they are surrounded with the people you want to see😘

    Liked by 1 person

    • Absolutely true! Since I moved, and my some of my closest friends moved also, I am in need of some new girls… my New Years resolution is to Find My Tribe! Thanks for the boost, and Happy 2020!❤️


  3. colleen delaney says:

    I was so happy to read your blog again!!!! It’s wonderful and very inspiring! I am with you and I am choosing to be a kick ass senior!!!


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