We Shall Overcome~

As this week we celebrate the iconic Dr. Martin Luther King, I have been hearing these words everywhere. “We shall overcome”.

I had tremendous respect for Dr. King, and especially his vision that people
“not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” Words I try to live by.

Having said that, I’ve decided to use these words in today’s post, and I hope it doesn’t trivialize his important sentiment…that is certainly not my intent…

But, HELL, it’s January, we are FREEZING in Boston, and we need to have some fun!


Here are some things that will help Overcome this  miserable month of dark and cold..

We Shall Overcome the Winter Blues, tips tried and true….

If you haven’t seen this show, The Kominsky Method, you MUST!

A comedy for and by adults, we blew through all eight episodes in a weekend and laughed ’til we hurt.

Michael Douglas and Alan Arkin are adorably brilliant as aging males facing their Golden Years, with an incredible cast that includes Paul Reiser, Jane Seymour, Danny DeVito, Ann-Margret, Jay Leno, Patti LaBelle, Elliot Gould, Kathleen Turner, Alison Janney, Bob Odenkirk and on and on….SO GOOD!

We Shall Overcome~

The constant misplacing of our beloved cell phones!

Head over to Bandolierstyle.com and check out these super functional, yet elegant and fashionable cell phone holsters…


These little gems are the “eye glass holder” of the 2020’s, for we (sometimes forgetful) chicks…Let’s face it…our cell phones, like it or not, are as important to us as our beating hearts….(Who among us has not had an almost heart attack at the thought we may have lost our precious phone??!!!)

Uber Fashionista Gwen Stephanie knows, right?  And if it’s cool enough for her….!


We Shall Overcome cabin fever~

By calling up your best friend and heading to the theater to see the MOST amazing performance you will see on film in a long time..

Perfect to chase the Winter doldrums, Renee Zellweger is MESMERIZING as Judy Garland in the film Judy, and is a shoo-in for best actress Oscar…You heard it here first, now go and see this poignant film of the legend in her later years…I just loved this performance!


Next, We Shall Overcome dry, winter skin!~

Like most women, I used this next product back in the 70’s in the bath…then heard it repelled mosquitos so I purchased more online last summer. (It worked!)

I never liked to take long baths, as I found it very drying on my skin.

Then I moved to a house with THIS TUB,

 and all bets were off.  I HAD to find something that would allow me to soak, and frequently, without shedding like a snake.

So I pulled out Skin So Soft by AVON, and applied it directly to my skin after my bath.

I’m amazed to say that my skin has never been softer, and I’m 61!  I have used every lotion, cream, etc. recommended by friend or dermatologist, and nothing has worked like applying this oil directly to my skin after my loooooong, hot soaks.

You can find it online at AMAZON.COM for $16.99. The original oil with is a miracle worker for me…

Finally, We Shall Overcome all the negativity that is swirling around us these day, by picking up this book~

Simple Abundance: 365 Days to a Balanced and Joyful Life by Sarah Ban Breathnach .

This book literally saved my life when it was first published in 1995, and has just been revised and re-released with new content for THESE TIMES….

As a stay at home mom in ’95, with three lively boys, I found the days sometimes long and the well often running dry….

This book taught me how to see my life differently, by looking at the everyday gifts I had, and by giving GRATITUDE for those small things.

The book became an international best seller and was #1 on the New York Times Bestseller list for over two years!  It clearly resonated with women everywhere and was embraced by Oprah herself, who called it “life changing”.

I have re-purchased it 24 years later, and it is STILL speaking to me, setting me on the path to peace and and an appreciation for the simple beauty and joys in each day. They are there if you look for them, and this book is an excellent guide.

Morning coffee, a page read, and I’m all set to face the day.

I wish that for all of you!

Here’s to Overcoming, and here’s to the enjoyment of simple things..

Have a lovely week~





Are you ready to toss your TV out the window?

Rip your phone off wall and throw it out? (If you’re ancient, and still HAVE a landline…)

If you answered “yup,” chances are it’s election season, and never has their been one as polarizing and difficult as this one!



People who know me know I am passionate about politics.  I do not discuss politics on this site, however, as it’s suppose to be a fun and uplifting place to come.  Politics, at least today’s version, has become a blood sport, pitting family members against each other, as well as friends and co-workers.

So, with help from fellow blogger Shannon Abels, I’ve devised what I think are some solid guidelines to get you through the next few months without losing your mind..

1. Seek out the truth

Often the important issues can’t be summarized in a tweet or news clip.  It takes time and patience and more than just skimming the headlines for you to learn the truth.  Especially with today’s media being, shall we say, agenda’d on both sides.  Be sure you are seeking out reputable sources, and just shut off CNN and FOX New altogether.

2. Converse to gain understanding.

The other day, I had a long political conversation with a Starbucks manager, in her mid-forties.  She was Black, Gay and adopted.  Listening to her, I was able to ascertain why she is voting the way she is, and, even though she and I are not in agreement about a lot of things, I now understand at least where her fears lie, and why she is voting the way she is.  We each have or own things that are really important to us, and no one candidate solves them all. Having civil conversation allows us to at least gain a better understanding of each other.

3. Determine if you have a willing audience for discussion

Nothing appalls me more, from either side, than a  person ASSUMING that everyone thinks like they do. They are the ones who will say at a dinner party “can you imagine the idiots voting for —- and how stupid can you be?” Facebook is different, because you know your audience and can control the privacy settings. But out in public, well, you’ve heard the saying “never assume…It makes an ASS out of U and ME!”  And just because a person lives in a heavily red or heavily blue state, does not mean they don’t think for themselves and follow the majority.

4. Seek depth, not soundbites

Soundbites lack context, but time is valuable: therefore, that is often all we hear or see. Please  be aware that there is always more to the story.

5. Watch or listen to debates

Sometimes, even the greatest pundits can’t cover up the lack of knowledge of a subject, or the extreme ideas or opinions of a candidate.  Truth speaks as candidates debate.

6. Seek out quality information, but less of it.

Read a paper or two, and limit yourself to about 15 minutes a night of political news from as unbiased a source as you can find…hard, I know.  After that, take a deep breath, and shift your focus.

It’s going to be a loooooong season.  Pace yourself, become an EDUCATED voter, then do your civic duty and VOTE!

Pumpkin is up next!

I found what looks to be a delightful recipe for pumpkin brioche in this months edition of  one of my favorite magazines, Victoria..



This will be a perfect accompaniment to my Bouef Carbonadde recipe ….


It appears to take most of the day to make, but since I am having  guests tonite, I will attempt to make the effort and report back next time!  You can see the above photo, and my “finished product” side by side, and decide for yourself!  The recipe can be found on Victoriamagazine.com

Polish time!  You ladies know about my obsession with nail polish by now, and particularly about Smith and Cult nail polish.  Great wear, easy application with a super flat brush, and THE.BEST.COLORS…

These are the three I love this season…The first is called  “1976” (because it reminded the color chemist of her moms rose gold lame dress from the disco days…I was there in ’76, and Yup! They got it right! )

My other two seasonal favorites are called “Darjeeling Darling”, a gorgeous Autumn green, and “Dark Like Me,” and lovely burgundy.

Buy them at Newman Marcus or here ….http://www.smithandcult.com/nailed-lacquer.html


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Pouts!!…Have you seen the new seasonal trend in lip color?  Dark as the night, matted and in your face…(or at least on your lips!)

The new shades are gorgeous…deep plums, blues, violets..colors we’ve never seen on lips..

The problem is, they look AMAZING on young girls, but not so much on “we of the older and wiser generation”..

So I did a little research and found just the one.  By Urban Decay, this line blew me away with color…



But putting them on my lips was waaaay tooo Bella Lugosi-esque!  Barnabus Collins would dig it, but my family would have been horrified.


So I settled for one from the Urban Decay line called “Seismic”, that had all the pigment and color of the deep, lovely violet, but with none of the matte, and it was delightfully moisterizer  to boot!




So now you can talk politics without getting tarred and feathered, bake a delicious pumpkin brioche, have beautifully colored nails AND wear the dark lip trend without being embalmed first!

And you thought you were just reading some little blog post…


Have a fantastic Columbus Day Weekend, and Wear Your Crowns! ~








imageWith Memorial Day upon us, I want to share some Crown~Worthy  things that, in my humble opinion, will enhance the all too brief summer experience. Remember, I’m from Boston…our summers last about ten weeks, our winters five months. Summers are sacred in New England.

SO! Having said that, here’s my SUMMER 2016 Hall of Fame Crown~Worthy list!

I love my champagne, but I love it even more, sitting on a beach, watching the sunset.

Veuve Clicquot Rose is the perfect drink for a special sandy sunset. It’s light, like the Rose we enjoy all summer, but with a magical taste of bubbly goodness, and SO pretty🍾 . It’s hard not to smile when enjoying a glass. Treat yourself at least once this summer. You owe it to yourself!

Summer tends to play havoc with my hair, newly silver. Between the UVA rays, salt water and dry heat, delicate gray shades don’t stand a chance. White becomes yellow in no time, and not in a good way.

After a year-long search, I finally found the perfect shampoo for white, silver and platinum.

Aveda Blue Malva is a joy to use. Smells like I think Heaven would smell (if I ever get there😉), and when your hair dries, it’s bright, silver and luminescent. Not a trace of dull yellow, and it feels like silk. Highly rated online, highly recommended by me. A Crown~Worthy  find a year in the making, but not cheap. It runs about $38 per bottle, but it’s 33 ounces, so you’ll use it awhile.


I can see a difference in my hair since using it, even in photos….



Next on the list…

I searched far and wide for a summer nail color I wouldn’t get tired of. One that was neutral enough to go with everything, but not boring like most neutrals. (I will never be accused of being boring!)

I saw this on a model in a magazine and eureka! That was it, and the search was on…


I finally found it, but it was sold out everywhere, forcing me to buy it direct from the company and pay shipping, which I was not happy about. But it’s mine, it’s on my feet and toes, and it makes me smile every time I look at it, so it’s all good!

It’s by a company called Smith and Cult, and while the names are insane, the colors are gorgeous. This green is called “Bitter Buddhist” of all things, but it’s a subtle, grayish green that reminds me of a Monet. The wear is great and, if you are into that kind of aesthetic, the bottle is gorgeous.

You can find it at Neiman Marcus, if you’re lucky, and other places online if not sold out. But I bought it direct from the company because when I finally found it, I had to have it.

Heres a cute article from the Huffington Post about the company and the crazy names of the colors..



Next up, a water bottle that A. Looks sleek B. Keeps your water cold FOR TWELVE HOURS IN A HOT CAR….it’s true, I tested it, and may I introduce my new favorite thing…


Produced by the company S’well, these bottles are it for me!

Ranging around $35. per bottle, I’ve seen them in Starbucks and Barnes and Noble Cafes. Target sells the cheaper, smaller version of their bottle, but when it comes to water, go big or go home!
How pretty is this limited edition rose gold one….?
Oh, and did I neglect to point out that it keeps the above referenced champagne, or any other wine, ice-cold for an outdoor picnic?  And yes, it’s keeps your hot coffee steaming all day in the cold weather, but we aren’t going THERE today.🌞

Here we have a make your own ice cream sandwich kit from Williams Sonoma. SO cute, and you can customize all day long to make the perfect sandwich. I’m famous for my ice cream sandwhich cookies for the beach parties our extended family gathers at. This makes it so much easier. Why spend your precious time on anything but being creative?

My favorite is combo is salted caramel gelato, the sandwich dipped in melted chocolate and sprinkled with crushed cashews. The options are endless and we’ve been known to use anything from pop rocks to crystallized ginger! The kit is super easy to use, and  at a $19.95 price point for three, it pays for itself in no time!

You can purchase this at Williams Sonoma in store or online.


At last but not least, while I am a HUGE proponent of shutting off the TV and being outside as much as possible in the precious summer, here’s one hilarious show I found recently to binge watch if you have a rainy day.

Silicon Valley, an HBO comedy centered around the high-tech industry, is uproariously funny, or as one of my male friends said “freakin brilliant!”

It’s the story of a team of nerdy but brilliant computer guys naively navigating the cut throat Hi Tech industry of Silicon Valley. Having two computer engineers in the family, (how do you think I set UP this crazy blog?!), I can tell you from my sideline observation that the show is dead on, and funnier than it has a right to be! Now in its third season on HBO, it’s available for streaming. Enjoy!


Wherever your summer takes you, whatever you eat, drink, shampoo with or watch, have a GLORIOUS SUMMER and savor each and every day, and have a Crown~Worthy Memorial Day Weekend❤️👸🏼~



I came late to the party called Downton Abbey.

I didn’t even consider it til last month, when a nasty illness forced me to bed for an extended time.

I decided to rent an episode to see what the fuss was about. $90. worth of Netflix episodes and four weeks later, I had binge  watched six seasons of some of the finest TV  I’ve seen in a long time.

Almost immediately, I was transported to a world of pure bliss. Escapism at its finest. The decor, the scenery and those CLOTHES!!!🙏

While I feel the plots aren’t as epic as those of other great shows such as say,  “Mad Men” or “Breaking Bad”,  the brilliance of this show is that you come to care very much about the characters, and  are totally whisked away to another place and time. A time of all things gentle and lovely.

Feisty Dowager Crowley, played by the brilliant Maggie Smith, is a force to be reckoned with, but someone I’d love to have a tip of spirits with in another time. My kinda gal!


As an Ex-Pat in a very English world, Countess Crawley has her husband, Lord Grantham, and the rest of the house wrapped around her pretty little finger. She KNOWS you catch more flies with honey.


Lady Mary and Lady Edith give new depth to the words “sibling rivalry”….and yes, I did want to slap Mary many times.


Tom, the lower class mechanic who marries into this British nest is my favorite. Sparking Irish eyes, always the mediator with wit and charm, he won me over with his decency and huge heart.


Then there’s the overworked “downstairs staff”. All trying to just get by while taking care of the more fortunate class. Most certainly not the easiest of lives, but  they seemed to accept their collective lots and make the best of what were the times they lived in.


It’s not often that we are treated to such a beautifully, classy piece of drama. TV today is not for the faint of heart.

So I will miss this show tremendously.  I do, however,  hold out hope that I am treated to something again, as visually lovely and well done, in my ever advancing  lifetime!

Sunday night I’ll raise a glass and watch the finale.

BRAVO, and well done Julian Fellowes, et al, and thank you for making a tough Winter a bit easier.

Better late to the party than never!

Have a lovely week, and find your escape~



It’s started, whether you like it or not, the holiday shopping season.

Here are a few things I would love to see under MY tree😉




Feather light, like a warm, soft hug for your feet, cashmere socks are the ultimate luxury. Perfect to wear in your winter boots, these by Garnet Hill are the ones to buy. 100% cashmere, no blends here. Lovely colors, and while expensive, can you put a price on pure happiness??


Next, moisture is your best friend in the harsh New England winters. Your skin needs it, and your nasal passages will thank you as well, for this next gift.

How cute is this portable, aroma diffusing, warm mist humidifier that glows with soft light in the dark?

By Aliexpress.com, at a $31. price point, it’s a great grab gift or stocking stuffer for your girlfriends, or a perfect addition to a chilly college dorm room. Buy two, one for your bed, one for your office..


The next little slice of Heaven is from UGGS.Com
Cozy yet practical, these shearling, fingerless gloves are indispensable. If you’re like me, and can’t take enough photos of the beauty in the chilly outdoors, OR if you are a teenage girl and glued to Tumbler/Tinder/IG/FB texting, tweeting, etc., etc., and on and on…😩 (look UP once in awhile…It’s a beautiful world!), I digress…..these are for you. You need to keep those busy hands warm, and what better way to do it than with these babies…UGGS really knows how to blend warmth and practicality with style. I love this color, but they come in five…pricey for $145, but then they are UGGS!!



Next, a great book filled with three of my favorite things…Hope, Optimism and FOOD!

“MY KITCHEN YEAR, 136 Recipes that SAVED MY LIFE”, by Ruth Reichl, is part memoir, part cookbook, (a twofer!)

Ruth was the longtime editor of Gourmet Magazine, loving her job and her life. When the magazine abruptly closed, she was unprepared and lost. Each day was a challenge to rebuild and redefine herself in her midlife, a daunting task. But with a lot of courage, and a KILLER repertoire of comforting recipes, Ruth put one step in front of the other and literally cooked her way to solid ground once again.

I loved her pluck, her spirit, and her recipe for three day short ribs !!! Crown Worthy accomplishment, this book and her comeback❤️



You need a good candle, or twelve, in the winter, and these are the best on planet Earth. I promise.  By Diptyque Paris, this Feu de Bois candle smells like a crackling fireplace in a country cottage…in the woods…with pine cones..and a glass of champagne…and your honey beside you….can you smell it now😉?? WWW.diptyqueparis.com

Not cheap, but very high quality burn and scent is indescribable. You just have to trust me.  $60. For a large candle, but much class expensive than buying a cottage in the woods!


Finally, grab your best girlfriends, and give them a gift that will last the Winter,(and help you survive the gloom!)
Plan one night a week, buy some good wine, make some delicious apps, and watch one or two episodes of this HILARIOUS comedy!
Easily the funniest show I’ve seen in a long time. A perfect “girls night in” show..(which also made my handsome husband laugh out loud, too many times to count), this is the story of two lifelong BFF’s who haven’t been able to count on the men in their lives, so they form their own little family when one gets pregnant. Played BRILLIANTLY by real life besties Jessica St. Clair and Lennon Parham, you would swear they don’t have a script. Supporting actor Keegan Michael-Key is the maniaclly  funny scene stealer, and ever-still-hunky, Kenny Loggins makes an appearance in the season two finale. (If you watch the series, you see this coming a mile away!)😆

Whoever and however you gift, find the beauty in life this season, and enjoy the magic.

Have a lovely, Crown Worthy weekend ~


Another easy, carefree hair month! A quick trim and done! Slowly coming in, surprising me more each day.



Making progress…..Some people ask “why would you want to do THAT??!”  I think it is their insecurity about aging speaking. Why wouldn’t I want to do this? It’s easier, inexpensive and I think, looks GREAT!  AND it’s AUTHENTIC! This is what most 50+ women look like! Get over yourself and embrace it…jump in, ladies! The water’s fine!!

Just don’t get me started about weight…after the holiday, I have a lot of ‘splainin to do….😫

but this is a new week, so ONWARD!

Have an optimistic week, ladies, and take care of yourselves~


Hello , friends! I missed you! Working in a tax accounting practice, I was MIA to everyone but Uncle Sam last week. But April 15th has now come and gone, and I am back to the world of the Rockin Girls..

Is there any one piece of clothing or accessory that works harder than the denim shirt?


From coal mines to runway, this iconic piece had earned its way into the Crown Worthy Hall of Fame..not only does this shirt work hard and play harder, it’s bonus is that it looks A-mazing with silver and gray hair. I would argue it looks better on the coloring of we “femmes de certain age” than on anyone else!

From outstanding beach cover….


To casual day/night wear…


Office to beach, dinner to daily errands, the lovely soft blue just screams Summer.


Even works with lace…now THATS versatile!


When paired with a statement necklace, it’s off the charts casual chic…


And my own personal favorite way to wear a chambrey….on a beautiful beach in July with a boy I love❤️


The versatility is unmatched with this piece, and in my humble opinion, should be the ONE piece that you run out and buy if you don’t have one already.

Here’s the link to a few sweet little ones should you want to enhance your wardrobe for years to come.



Have an amazing, CHambrey colored week~

Miracle Manicure ~

FullSizeRenderI have soft fingernails.  I mean paper thin, really soft nails.  I have toenails of steel, but fingernails, no.

So when the gel manicure was invented, I was thrilled.  I could finally ditch the acrylics and get the strength I needed without having plastic material attached to my fingers, and needing “fills” every  week.

There are downsides to gel manicures, however. They are:

* expense

*time spent

*they don’t last more than 7 days on my nails no matter what they tell you about two week wear.

*limited color choices

*and for me, the absolute need to peel them off, as oppose to soaking them off, which harms my nails. The minute they start popping up from the edges, I am obsessed til they are all peeled off, leaving my nails even weaker.

So when I found this new product line from OPI, Infinite Shine,  I was skeptical, but thought that buying the three products and giving them a try would save me lots in the long run.  As much as I enjoy my weekly chats with dear My Linh, I want to be able to skip the salon and just do them at home, on my time.

You need to buy the base coat, a color, (they are GORGEOUS), and a top coat. This manicure is reported to be as strong and last as long as a gel, shinier, and with no UV lamp!  As a melanoma survivor, no UV lamp is BIG!

Tried it, loved it, am going back for more colors as the Spring wears on….

Check out the ridiculously lovely shades…one for every occasion, all year long!



The appliaction is easy. One base coat, two color coats, one top coat…all quick drying. So far, day five, no chipping or peeling for me (and I just spent the weekend washing Easter pots and pans!) and the shine is phenomenal. I’m wearing the beigey nude color shown above this week, but will be heading back for a Spring peach soon!

Crown Worthy, indeed! 💅

Have a lovely week ~


Flip flops, beach waves, ocean breezes, mint mojitos under the moonlight….remember Summer?

We have been slammed in the Northeast, literally and figuratively.  Between historic snow, shoveling, and now roof collapses, ice dams and nowhere for it to melt, it’s been a not-for-the-faint-of-heart winter.

So while I’m not California Dreaming on such a winters day, I am dreaming…

of painted toes and nails…nail

This color is the closest to Summer that I dare wear just now.  From the gorgeous new OPI Hawaii Collection, this color is called “Stop Lanaiing Around”  (Dont’ you just love OPI color names?!) Its a mauveish muted pink, reminiscent of wild Hawaiian orchids or in Boston, the tulips in my teacup!

Here’s the rest of the collection…I intend to try each and every one until Summer is officially here…especially the one called “Pineapples Have Peelings, Too!” (Swear to GOD, that is the name. Who comes up with them??) That one, yellow with gold flecks and pineapple shaped little sparkles, is going on the toes where, mercifully, no one will see them stuffed into winter boots! image op

But I will know they are there, and every time I peek down at my pineapple sparkly toes, I will think of digging them into the warm sand, not the soggy Uggs, and I will smile

…and somewhere in the background I will hear Bob Marley or the Beach Boys, smell charcoal…

and know I will survive.

“Summer afternoon. The two most beautiful words in the English language.” ~ Henry James

Have a sun-kissed weekend ~

Lovely, Lovely, Lovely

In the midst of Winter, I thought you may enjoy a bit of Spring, with the loveliest gown collection I have seen in my fifty plus years…..Ladies, may I present the Ellie Saab Spring/Summer Collection, 2015 straight from Paris.  This collection, with its breathtakingly beautiful colors, remind me of Monet’s Gardens in Giverney.  Soft, feminine and oh, SO gorgeous….I will stop gushing and let you enjoy…..








































d1Which one was your favorite?  For me it was like “Sophie’s Choice”….I can not CHOOSE!!!

Have a weekend filled with beauty ~



A Tribute ~

Last October, American women lost a national treasure….




Oscar de la Renta, born in 1932, was to fashionable women what honey is to brie. His career spanned more than a half century, during which he dressed every first lady from Jackie Kennedy to a reluctant Michelle Obama.  After the FLOTUS wore a J Crew cardigan to a dinner with the Queen of England, de la Renta sniffed  “you don’t wear a SWEATER to Buckingham Palace!”  Michelle, who never wore the great designers clothing, preferring to give unknown names a chance to shine, finally relented and wore a dress of  his the day after he died.  I guess she got the last laugh!





But who could forget the gowns…those glorious ball gowns.  The stuff little girls dreams are made of……







Feminine, chic, sexy and oh, so elegant….




His bridal gowns were coveted perfection….



While it is not my go-to fragrance, it is a lovely fragrance, and today in honor of Oscar, I will spritz myself with ODL, and  gaze upon the lovely art he left us….with awe and gratitude.



Oscar died of cancer at the age of 82. My favorite quotes of his read, “The qualities I admire most in women are confidence and kindness,” and who could forget this gem… “Walk like you have three men walking behind you..”

Remember that, ladies…..walk proud, and sashay like a supermodel!❤️

Were  you lucky enough to wear an Oscar piece?

Click here for his final collection.

Glamour and Art~

Recently, I had the pleasure of viewing a collection of gowns and jewelry worn in movies from the 30’s and 40’s at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston…..


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Such tiny waists!  But the detail up close was A-mazing.  These gowns were worn by the starlets of the period, including Gloria Swanson, Anna May Wong, Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich, Mae West and Joan Crawford.




Mae West was so tiny, she had these custom “shoes within shoes” made to giver about 8 more inches of height.  The designers always made sure her gowns were long enough to cover the “first shoe”….I would hate to tumble off these!  I am still nursing bruises from my 70’s platforms!


And check out this one below, by the Divine Ms. Coco Chanel….I would walk across hot coals to wear this dress today….Timeless, gorgeous.


IMG_1287This exhibit runs until March 8, so if you are in Beantown, check this out.

Consignment Chic~

imageHave you noticed the surge of consignment stores opening in the past few years? A virtual explosion of gently used goodies, waiting to be snagged!DSC_0030

Full disclosure…I am a consignment queen…My nickname should be “Second Hand Rose”, as probably 50 percent of my current wardrobe comes from the many consignment stores I frequent.  I LOVE that these stores are like Forrest Gumps’ box of chocolates…..you really never know what you will get!DSC_0034

I’ve score brand new Coach and Kate Spade bags, a classic pair of black suede Manolo pumps that I’ve worn for years, Chanel and Hermes scarfs, and have outfitted myself for six wedding and counting, from top to bottom! (That task, however, can take up to a year to find the shoes that go with the bag that go with the dress, etc.)DSC_0028

Aside from the obvious money I save (tons!), and the fact that we are recycling, the biggest benefit I have is the creative wardrobe I have amassed.  People are always telling me I dress edgy or interesting…that I’m an original. THAT’S a compliment I’ll take.

I have heard that they now even have “girls consignment days”, where you and your friends load into a bus, and it takes you to several consignment stores throughout your area.  Each store greets you with wine and cheese, and the girls have a blast while they sip and shop.  How cool!

In order to make consigning work for you, however, their are some rules  you should follow,,

1. Always be prepared to leave empty handed.  Don’t buy something unless you know you will wear it, and that you absolutely love it…otherwise you end up with a closet full of mismatched junk!  And even though you are getting great deals, money is money and it does add up!

2. Set a schedule and go often.  Obviously, that perfect item will only come through the doors once…it’s not in every size and color, and you will miss out on all the “good stuff” if you don’t become a regular.  I actually find it relaxing.  I listen to the music and get lost in the racks.  It’s a stress reliever as well, as it quiets my mind while I peruse the goodies.

3. Don’t be afraid to bargain.  Because it’s a consignment store, the owners have a lot of flexibility with price.  If the store is heavy on inventory, your odds of getting a deal increase, as most  places don’t have enough room for everything that comes in, and space is at a premium.  They LOVE unloading the goods..especially big bulky furs and coats.

4. If you are shopping for a big event, like a wedding, start a year or so in advance.  Find the dress first, and go from there.  You won’t believe what you can save on a look you’ll wear once.  If you get to know the owners, they can be very helpful in looking out of the items you need, and holding them for you when they come in.

5. Visit several stores.  I have three I frequent.  One is very high end, and the price point is high, but for something of great quality that will last forever, (Chanel, YSL, Stella McCartney) and become a staple in my wardrobe. The second is a mid range, ( Ann Taylor, Banana Republic, J. Crew,) and I go there for the seasonal items I will probably day to day then retire to the Goodwill box.  The third is an vintage and antique store, where I find the most quirky, amazing accessories.  SO much fun.

I encourage you to visit a consignment store today.  You may thank me later ~