Love in the time of Corona~

It’s all been said.  We’ve Googled “how to stay safe?”, we’ve Googled “how many have died in…?” and we’ve scoured the internet for Lysol wipes and Tylenol.

Not much left to do but accept, REALLY accept that this will change us…in big ways..and forever.


I see some amazing things happening.

I see more people out running than I have since the 70’s boom~

I see neighbors talking over fences…(I’ve been in a new town for 9 months and I swear, I never saw a neighbor before this month…I thought I moved into a very well appointed ghost town..I wondered where everybody was??)~

I see women sewing face masks, channeling modern-day Rosie Riveters.~

I see large alcohol distributors using their products to  manufacture hand sanitizer~

I see people in parks and online, playing with their kids. AMEN!

I know of one family that was seriously estranged, and now they are all quarantine under one roof, together again and healing.~

I hear more people talking about faith and God, or the deity they worship~

I see people eating better, building up their immunity~

I’ve seen the most amazing teachers, posting videos to their students, keeping them positive and challenged in tremendously hard times…Oh, how I wish I had teachers like these as a child!  I may have actually LIKED school!

(Colleen Delaney, your son Matt is a treasure..what an incredible teacher/mentor.!)

I feel, somehow, like we have become more humble and compassionate in the face of this scary unknown.

I have had this feeling all week that God is whispering “I will give you all ONE last chance to get this right…”

I hope so.

It’s going to be a long haul, even after the virus subsides…..

The economic impact will be felt for a while, but collectively, I really believe we will be ok, and maybe even a whole lot better…

As for me, I’m doing a lot of meditating, and that is REALLY helping keep my spirits up.

I have mentioned in previous posts that Oprah and Deepak Chopra sponsor free online 21-day meditation programs that are great…

They put this one up this week for those who are so inclined..and it’s terrific.




I’m exercising myself and my dog more, and he’s SO pleased..

I’ve also been doing more reading, which is my ultimate joy.  I’m reading a lot of books about how the mind can heal the body, and the many ways we can achieve that.  Fascinating stuff. I always thought the human brain was capable of SO much more than we give it credit for.

The best selling book “Radical Remission”, by Kelly A. Turner, and a new docuseries on Hay House have absolutely held me captive all week.



Harvard trained physicians and scientists, side by side with nutritionists, energy healers and Reiki masters, tackling the phenomenon of thousands upon thousands of people who have healed themselves of very dire diseases.  Some even without conventional medicine, using the power of the mind along with a toolbox of other things.  It’s so worth viewing, as it’s full of hope and positivity…what we need most now, no?

and of course, nail polish!  Now don’t get me wrong…I’m not being completely trivial and vain here….

I saw this online and thought “that would look so nice in the Summer”..which got me thinking, we ARE going to have a Summer….an optimistic thought among all the despairing ones.


So I ordered it, and decided I am wearing it as soon as it comes, and every day until this awful time has passed, as a re-affirmation of HOPE…Every time I look and my white nails, I will be reminded to hang on to my HOPE of a brighter tomorrow.

And HOPE lights my path~

Stay safe, love big and be kind to everyone.. we truly are all in this together~

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