Wouldn’t it be luverly…..

When this pandemic is over, here are some things I am SO going to do…(list evolves daily..here is today’s..)

  1. Kiss and hug my husband, and dance until our knees hurt.
  2. Go into my local Starbucks and apologize for every time I complained that the coffee was bitter.
  3. Head straight to the beach, at night, sit under the stars and send wishes of Eternal Peace to all who lost their lives.
  4. Have my BFF Mary over for a disco dance party…again, the knees!
  5. Stop treating my kitchen like a hazmat zone, and just cook without fear.
  6. Stop cleaning each and every item purchased from the grocery store before putting them away…hours of my life I will never get back.
  7. Meet the single mom I connected with online who is looking for a surrogate grandmother for her five-year-old Daphne.
  8. Get my hair cut and the dog groomed…I don’t know who looks worse!
  9. Go to Mission on the Bay and listen to live music!
  10. Go to the Beauport Hotel and have a martini at the bar that overlooks the sea.
  11. Celebrate my 35th wedding anniversary with new plans, as yet unknown.
  12. Walk into my library and hug each and every one of my librarian buddies, who I miss terribly.
  13. Drive Main Street and Route One, and celebrate the businesses that survived and mourn the ones that didn’t.
  14. Go see my mom, and retrieve all the books I lent her over the past three months.
  16. Continue the meditation practice that got me through the tough days.
  17. Vote for Trump in November….sorry, but he, Pence, and his team did a great job, starting with prohibiting air traffic from China in February while Biden called him a xenophobe for doing so. Thousands of lives saved because of it…who was right, and pro-active there, Joe?
  18. Meet up with as many friends and relatives as I can..absence DOES make the heart grow fonder.
  19. Keep taking the vitamin d, c, zinc and elderberry supplements that kept me healthy.
  20. Get on my knees and praise the God I worship, who has never, ever dropped me..and to thank him for another opportunity to get it right…..

What will you do?

Start thinking about it, as we are getting closer to the end!

Have a luverly weekend~


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